Neurofeedback for sleep

Neurofeedback can be successful against sleeping problems. Whether it is difficult for you to fall asleep or stay asleep, … With QEEG Neurofeedback, we can tackle this very specifically in order to improve the quality of your sleep.

Without medication

Neurofeedback is a form of training without medication. We train the brain to a more comfortable state so that you sleep better again. Neurofeedback is also often used as an aid to reduce or wean off medication.

Good results

Against insomnia and sleep problems, the AABP gives neurofeedback a good chance of success based on current known clinical and scientific studies. (Level 3 – Probably efficacious).

Long term results

QEEG Neurofeedback is a form of training; we “teach” the brain something. When a series of neurofeedback sessions is successfully completed, you have actually acquired a new skill.

Sleep better thanks to Neurofeedback

Neurofeedback can be successfully used to tackle insomnia or sleep problems. With a QEEG analysis of the electrical activity in your brain, we can determine exactly where the problem is located. We listen to your situation, and how you experience insomnia or sleep problems. We put your experiences next to your QEEG, and in this way we can train in a very targeted way.

Scientific but without medication

Neurofeedback is non-invasive; nothing at all is added to your body. In fact, we train to solve your insomnia or sleeping problem. If you are already taking medication against insomnia or to sleep better, neurofeedback can also be used to help you reduce it.

What happens when you close your eyes?

When you come for neurofeedback due to insomnia or sleep problems, an important question is what exactly happens when you close your eyes. We are going to measure the difference between brain activity when you have your eyes open and when you close your eyes. We expect a clearly visible difference on your QEEG in which the brain becomes calmer when you close your eyes.

Sleeping problems: the most frequent findings with Neurofeedback

Too little slow brainwave activity

Theta and Delta waves are very slow waves in the brain that are mainly there when we are calm, relaxed and asleep. However, when these waves are “missing” or there are too few of them, it will be very difficult to sleep in and stay calm. With QEEG Neurofeedback, we can train on the lack of Delta or Theta. In these situations, the protocol will be aimed at teaching the brain to make these waves more when we close our eyes.

Too much fast brainwave activity

If you have a lot of trouble falling asleep, there is a good chance that when you close your eyes, your brain will continue to produce too many rapid brain waves. We often experience this as “ruminations”, and actually you may feel like you are lying in bed worrying. With neurofeedback we can train to make the brain calmer when you close your eyes. This way, you can fall asleep better.

Too fast dominant frequency / High Alpha Peak

For most people, the peak frequency, or most common frequency in their brain, is between 9 and 11Hz. Sometimes, we notice that the peak frequency is higher with our insomniac clients. In other words, the brain is constantly going faster than in an average person. This manifests itself in a constant feeling of vigilance in the brain, which makes falling asleep and staying asleep (extremely) difficult.

Other types and combinations

Above we give you an idea of a few situations that we regularly notice with our clients. However, there are many more possibilities. It often involves a combination of different findings.

Can Neurofeedback help me with my sleeping problems?

In general, we are achieving very good results with people with sleeping problems. However, every person is unique and that’s how we approach all our clients. Without understanding your brain function, we can only generalise. Only when we have insight into your personal brain function through a QEEG, can we speak with more certainty. With us, you will always receive a personal training protocol, tailored to your individual situation.

Contact us with your questions, we will be happy to answer them. Our contact details can be found here.

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